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J.R. Fisher

Ukraine-Russia Conflict and Potential Food Shortages: Protecting Your Family's Food Security

Ukraine-Russia Conflict and Potential Food Shortages: Protecting Your Family's Food Security

war scene

The world is no stranger to conflicts and the profound impact they have on societies. Beyond the immediate consequences of warfare, there are often unseen effects on vital resources, including food supplies. 


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I'll go through how America is being affected by the Ukraine/Russia conflict and then provide you with simple ways you can protect yourself and your family.


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Under Surveillance: The Shocking Truth About Cell Phone Tapping

Under Surveillance: The Shocking Truth About Cell Phone Tapping

man yelling at cellphone

In today's interconnected world, our cell phones have become an extension of ourselves. They contain a treasure trove of personal information, from our contacts to our private conversations. 


However, there is a dark side to this convenience that often goes unnoticed - the danger of cell phone tapping. In this blog, we will delve into the alarming risks posed by cell phone tapping and provide insights on how to safeguard your privacy in this digital age.

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Common Household Items and Their Links to Cancer: An In-depth Review

Common Household Items and Their Links to Cancer: An In-depth Review

shopping for cleaners

I can't count how many non-stick pans I've bought in my life. Every one of them, no matter how much I paid, eventually starts to break down and I assume goes into my food. That can't be good.


In this article, I will explore the intricate connections between common household items and the risk of cancer. 

Let's now get into the real dangers that may be lurking g in your home with potentially dangerous cancer-causing everyday items.

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Don't Leave Your Safety to Chance: The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Essentials!

Don't Leave Your Safety to Chance: The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Essentials!

emergency essentials
I get it... thinking about emergency essentials sounds scary, right?

Gathering these items may make it seem like there's something bad lurking around the corner. But guess what? That's completely wrong!

Emergency essentials are exactly what the words imply: having all the necessary items on hand for any unforeseen emergencies. You never really know where an emergency can come from.

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Survival with duct tape

The Mighty Duct Tape: Unleashing Its Superpowers for Everyday and Emergency Situations

duct tape repair

Ah, duct tape, the trusty companion that holds the world together in sticky solidarity. This humble roll of adhesive wonder is more than just a practical tool. It's an unsung hero, a lifesaver, and a problem solver. Join me on a journey through the incredible and often unexpected uses of duct tape that will leave you amazed and appreciative of its versatility.

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The Best Seeds to Have For Survival Preparedness

The Best Seeds to have for Survival Preparedness

  Home garden


Now, let's take a closer look at the key factors to consider when choosing survival seeds. Here are the areas I'm going to cover so that you'll have a full education in survival farming.

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Creating a Strong Prepper Marriage: Uniting Perspectives and Finding Common Ground

Creating a Strong Prepper Marriage: Uniting Perspectives and Finding Common Ground


In a world where even the most compatible couples rarely agree on everything, prepper philosophy is no exception. But fear not, for even the most perfect couple can find harmony in their emergency preparedness journey. 

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10 Tips on keeping your family safe after an earthquake

10 Tips on keeping your family safe after an Earthquake

Earthquake damage

An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from the sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. I found this Earthquake warning device on Amazon. I'm not sure how well it works, but you may want to check it out.

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Camping couple

You can no longer argue that things got really weird over the last few years and some really crazy stuff happened in the world. It only makes sense to be prepared in as many ways as possible.

I think one of the major ways you can help yourself is to stay in shape. Yes, that means eating right and hitting the home gym on a regular basis. I know some of you are not going to want to do this but you need to realize a strong body is one of your best protections again aggressors and your best way to fight off disease.

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Building a Shelter After an Emergency: Essential Steps, Survival Tools, and Detailed Techniques

Building a Shelter After an Emergency: Essential Steps, Survival Tools, and Detailed Techniques

After an emergency occurs, being able to construct a reliable shelter is paramount for your safety and well-being. This comprehensive guide will detail the essential steps to build a shelter and provide exact techniques to help you navigate challenging situations. Additionally, we will highlight key survival tools, including canned meat from Survival Cave Food, a hand crank radio, a first aid kit, an emergency flashlight, and water purification methods. 


If you follow these recommendations, you can be better prepared to face any crisis. Let's explore in-depth how to construct a shelter and ensure your resilience in times of adversity.

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