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Urban Prepping: Proactive Steps for Emergency Preparedness in the City

Urban Prepping: Proactive Steps for Emergency Preparedness in the City

I've lived in the suburbs for years so it's not quite the same as urban areas, but we do face some of the same challenges.


I want to share some practical tips and valuable insights that I’ve gathered over the years to help you navigate this critical process.


Why Urban Prepping?


Living in the city presents us with immense conveniences, dynamic social scenes, and unparalleled economic opportunities. 


There are a lot of benefits of living in the city but when a disaster or emergency hits, things can get a little crazy. That’s why preparing for city living in emergencies becomes especially important.


Since there are so many people densely packed into some areas, you have to prepare in different ways than those people who live in rural areas.


In dense urban areas, resources can deplete rapidly, access points can become congested, and help may take a while to arrive during disasters. For the best non-lethal protection, I like this police-strength pepper spray.


Therefore, being prepared and self-sufficient is crucial, and understanding urban prepping strategies can make a significant difference.


Food and Water

Empty grocery shelfs


Among the first necessities during emergencies is access to food and water. 


Let's start with having a well-stocked pantry. My company, Survival Cave Food makes it their mission to specialize in long-term storage canned meat and other emergency survival food options.


Our canned meats are slow-pressure cooked in the can and are low fat, low cholesterol, low sodium, and of course great tasting. Our beef has been described as "better than grandma's pot roast." 


They have a long shelf-life, perfect for storage, and are easy to prepare, needing no cooking.


For water storage, you can't always count on your tap during emergencies. Therefore, having a stable water supply stored is vital. It is recommended that you have at least 1 gallon of water per person for 14 days. These should be stored in a cool dry place and rotated every 6 months.


Emergency Tools

Hand crank radio

Having the right tools can make things much easier during emergency times.. Essential tools like a hand crank radio can keep you updated on the situation during power outages, helping you make informed decisions. A rechargeable flashlight is crucial for visibility, not only for navigation during the dark but also for signaling others if required.


A fire starter kit is another fundamental tool for urban prepping. It allows you to cook food, boil water for purification, and provide warmth if needed. These tools might seem insignificant now, but in emergency situations, they are indispensable.


Essential Emergency Skills

Bug out bag

While tools and resources are vital, skills are your most valuable asset in a disaster. Knowledge of basic first aid is a must-have, along with learning how to purify water and start a fire.


Urban-specific skills are also necessary, such as knowing alternate routes in your city, using urban structures for shelter, or even understanding basic urban foraging. Educating yourself now can go a long way during a crisis.


Planning Your Escape if circumstances call for evacuation, having a clear escape plan is paramount. Make sure to identify all possible exit routes from your city. Keep a map handy in case digital navigation tools are unavailable.


A pre-packed emergency kit, or "Bug Out Bag", should always be ready. It should contain necessary items such as water, emergency survival food including long-term storage canned meat like the ones offered by Survival Cave Food, medications, important documents, and essential tools.


Mental Preparedness


In addition to physical preparedness, mental fortitude is vital during emergencies. It is important to understand and anticipate the stress and psychological strain that might come with such situations. 


To increase your mental strength, I found this book on Amazon and I highly recommend it.


Practicing stress management techniques, maintaining a positive mindset, and staying calm can significantly impact your decision-making process in high-pressure scenarios.


Community Building

Friends together


Now is the time you want to build your neighborhood community. It's very hard to build up trust and loyalty when the emergency has already hit. Connecting with your neighbors, joining local emergency preparedness groups, and actively participating in community drills can ensure community safety and well-being. 


You should think in terms of a safe community, not just about your own safety. People will stay safer and stronger when they work as a group.


When you can rely on your neighbors and they can rely on you, it makes getting through tough times much easier.


Continuous Improvement

People learning


Think of community involvement as an ongoing process that you try to nurture and improve on, on a regular basis.


As your city changes and evolves, your emergency plans should adapt accordingly.


Regularly review your prep plans and supplies. Replace your stored water every six months, and check your emergency survival food, such as the best canned meats, for their expiration dates. 


Practice using your emergency tools like the hand crank radio, rechargeable flashlight, and fire starter kit to ensure they're in good working condition and that you're comfortable using them.


Final Thoughts


When you live in an urban setting, it will bring unique challenges that people in rural areas don't have to worry about.


However, when you realize that these differences exist, it allows you to prepare in advance and be ready no matter what happens in the future.


Whether it's choosing the best canned meats for your pantry from Survival Cave Food, learning to use your hand crank radio effectively, or creating connections within your local community, every step you take brings you closer to becoming a fully-fledged urban prepper.


The key to successful urban prepping lies in starting small and building up your skills and supplies over time. No one becomes a master prepper overnight, but with a little persistence, continual learning, and the right resources, you'll be well on your way.


It is my hope that this article has made you think a little more about urban prepping and has possibly motivated you to take action and get prepared.


Don't forget to check out Survival Cave Food for the highest quality emergency survival food, including long-term storage canned meat. We're here to support you in your urban prepping efforts every step of the way.


Share your comments below. Have you started to prepare for emergencies and if so, what have you done?
